Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Favortie Reunion Memories by Lucinda

I have a lot of favorite memories from reunions. I loved it when the Thomas family would go camping for a few days. It was always fun to get to know cousins (and second cousins) better. I remember going up Payson Canyon quite a bit.
One time when I was young, Dan taught me how to roast a marshmallow. He showed me that if you watched it carefully, when it started to smoke, then it was time to turn it. That method has worked very well for me ever since:) I remember that after he showed me, I went around to everyone and asked them if I could cook them a marshmallow :)
I remember another time when we were camping with the Thomas Family. It was the year that I really got to know Lori, Amy, and Jenny; some of Aunt Olive's granddaughters. This was great because they were close to my age and it gave me someone to hang out with. That year we also played "Thumper" and slept out under the stars on the picnic tables. I think it might have been the last year we went camping for the Thomas Reunion.
I have also enjoyed our family's reunions. I think I will always remember the paint fight that Krista, Jana, and I had a few years ago. That year we also shared memories that we had about our grandparents. I really enjoyed this because I only remember Grandma Thomas and Grandpa Dunn. It was fun to hear of memories that my siblings had of our grandparents.
I think my favorite part of reunions is the opportunity to visit with family that you don't always take time to visit with. It is also nice to spend time with all of my nieces and nephews, especially the ones that I don't see very often.

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