Monday, September 29, 2008

The Last Day of School by Lucinda

One of my favorite school memories happened on the last day of school. It was at the end of my sophomore year. My friends and I decided to have a party at my house. We wanted to have a water fight, so we started filling up some water balloons. About half way through, Mom & Dad came home. (They had gone to the store to buy some food for us.) My friends asked me if they could get my parents wet. I said "Don't get my Dad, but my Mom won't mind.
Well, some one decided to spray her with the hose. Mom was surprised, but instead of going after the kid who sprayed her, she went after me! She grabbed a hose and just soaked me. Of course that started the rest of our water fight. Mom retreated into the house and brought out towels for us to dry off with after the fight was over. It was a fun day. Many of my friends couldn't believe that my mom would actually participate in a water fight. They thought it was really cool.

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